An artist, gripped by the clutching fingers of a dead past; a scientist, defying nature in the dark realm of the senses; an expectant father, driven mad by creeping shadows...
In the unquiet darkness between life and death, a lone, haunted woman tells chilling tales of the macabre and terrifying, illuminating the curious frailties of human nature...
The Victorian fascination with tales of mystery and the supernatural created an enduring legacy of Gothic fiction; but it is often the male writers that we remember. Many thrilling and eerie stories from the great female writers of that era have gathered dust and been forgotten. Until now.
This dark celebration of female gothic is adapted and performed by Rebecca Vaughan (Austen's Women, I, Elizabeth, Dalloway, The Diaries of Adam and Eve). Directed by Olivier Award Winner, Gus Masterson (Morecambe).
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